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At Creaney Primary School, our designated Numeracy blocks ensure students are engaged in high quality, differentiated learning programs that meet individual student needs. We explicitly teach and consolidate a range of Maths skills, knowledge and understanding to develop confident and independent mathematical thinkers. Our blocks have a concentrated warm-up component where review, recall and prelude are used to hone or introduce basic maths facts. The main body of each lesson is used to introduce and consolidate new skills or knowledge, with the plenary section completed to review what has been covered.


The Western Australian Curriculum – Mathematics covers the three content strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The four proficiency strands of Problem Solving, Reasoning, Understanding and Fluency are embedded into these content strands.


We use a range of programs to support our Maths program including: 

  • New Wave Mental Maths 

  • Creaney Basic Facts  

  • Paul Swan activities 

  • Matharoo Worded Problems 

  • Mathletics 

To access Mathletics please follow the link below.

Please speak to your child's teacher if you would like to know more about Mathematics in the classroom. 

To access Dr Paul Swan's free online activities follow the link below.

Math Exercises

6 Creaney Drive

Kingsley. WA 6026

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@2022 Creaney PS

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