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K-6 2025

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If you would like to make an application to attend Creaney Primary School, please contact Ms Leo, our Enrolments Officer.  Alternatively, complete an Application for Enrolment Form (see below) available as an online fillable form and attach all the relevant documents.​


Step 1

Complete your Application for Enrolment Form online and save your completed online document to your desktop.  Please also provide scanned copies of


  • Your child’s Birth Certificate

  • 2 copies of your child’s usual place of residence dated within the last 2 months. This must include 2 of the following utility bills: water, gas and/or electricity, or 1 utility account with a lease agreement or real estate contract

  • Copies of any Family Court or other court orders if applicable

  • Visa details if applicable​


Step 2

Once the school has received an application and the required documentation, an interview will be arranged with the school Principal.

Western Australia now has immunisation laws that will help to better protect our children and the wider community from vaccine-preventable diseases.


On acceptance to Creaney Primary School you will need to provide your child’s current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement, which shows your child is ‘up-to-date’ with all the scheduled immunisations (according to the National Immunisation Program) for their age. 


If you would like to know more about the immunisation requirements, obtaining an AIR Immunisation History Statement or how to access immunisation services click on the link to Healthy WA.

The last stage is to complete the following online fillable forms:


Student Enrolment Form, Student Health Care Summary, Consent Form, Parent and Student ICT Acceptable Use Agreement and  Permission for Third Party Apps.



Prospective parents are invited to make an appointment to meet with our Principal, to tour our wonderful school, see the facilities and find out more about the programs we run at Creaney Primary School.
To arrange a tour, please contact Ms Leo, our enrolments officer via the enquiries link below. 


The Department of Education’s has information to assist parents with the application and enrolment processes for their children.


Please click on the link below for more information.

6 Creaney Drive

Kingsley. WA 6026

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@2022 Creaney PS

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