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At Creaney Primary School, our designated Literacy blocks ensure students are engaged in high quality, differentiated programs that meet individual student needs, with progress monitored closely. As English is a core curriculum area, it is integrated across all learning areas, weaving the three strands of Language, Literature and Literacy into learning every day.  The Western Australian Curriculum aims to ensure that students learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on increasingly complex and sophisticated spoken, written and multimodal texts across a growing range of contexts with accuracy, fluency and purpose. We do this through a range of programs and strategies including;

  • Synthetic phonics program (Letters and Sounds, K-2)

  • Words Their Way spelling program (3-6)

  • Play-based learning opportunities

  • Guided Reading

  • Talk for Writing program (K-6)

  • Minilit and Reading Tutor Program (Multilit) for reading intervention

Please speak to your child's teacher if you would like to know more about English in the classroom. 


6 Creaney Drive

Kingsley. WA 6026

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@2022 Creaney PS

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