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We recognise that students need to attend school on a regular basis to gain the maximum benefit from schooling and optimise their life opportunities. We understand that for maximum transfer of knowledge, 95% attendance is necessary. Attendance rates lower than 95% could impact on academic standards.


Creaney Primary Schools' attendance plan is closely aligned to the Department of Education's Better Attendance Brighter Futures Strategy. 


Attending school every day enables your child to get the most from their education and create a bright future.


Research from the Telethon Kids Institute tells us that children who go to school regularly do better at school. This helps them create more opportunities for their future and leads to better health, social and work outcomes.


Every day your child learns something new at school.  Every day they build on what they already know, growing their knowledge and skills. 


At Creaney Primary School we have a mobile phone messaging system to communicate student unexplained absences to parents/guardians.


Please SMS your child's absence to 0437 156 748 stating child's name/date and reason for absence before 9:30am. 


The communication system uses Short Messaging Service (SMS) and will send text messages to parent/guardian mobile phones when your child is absent from school (when an explanation has not already been provided). Our computer system will automatically send parents a message if a child is absent, that will read similar to this:

CPS records show Frank Smart is absent Mon 12/02/2025. Please reply SMS with student name/reason/date.


​The SMS is designed to advise parents that, according to school records, the student is absent and no reason has been provided to the school.​ It is a legal requirement that parents contact the school regarding any student absences or reasons for lateness. If an explanation for the absence has been provided prior to 9.45am each morning, then parents will not receive an SMS.


Parents need to be aware that this system is an additional absence follow up service only. There will be times when parents may not receive a text message due to technical issues. In cases where you are concerned about your child’s attendance, please contact the school directly on 9408 2900.


An SMS message will be sent to all numbers listed as Parent Guardian 1, prompting you to save the number in your contacts list as Creaney absences. This will ensure that you are able to access the number easily to notify us of a student absence by 9:30am. 

There is an expectation that once enrolled, students will attend on a regular basis, and positive attendance patterns should be fostered. It is our focus to provide positive support for students to maximise their attendance. 

6 Creaney Drive

Kingsley. WA 6026

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@2022 Creaney PS

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